Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Peanut Blossom Cookies

There are times when I am doing well with daily meditation and finding inner peace.  In a world gone mad, focusing on my breath calms me more than anything else I have ever tried.

That is, until the streets of Oak Park became a scene out of Mad Max in the early morning hours as I drove home from my morning ass-kicking, better know as Pilates.  As I was savoring the worn out but feeling stronger aura that ones gets from Pilates, some jerk swerved out from behind me, almost hit me and then swerved in front of me.  Inner peace flew out the window and I laid on my horn.  So, I am annoyed that the peace and inner calm vibe I had going was shattered and that I allowed a crazy driver to disrupt my zen state.  Should have reacted like this guy.

Later on that day, in the universe's endless attempts to knock me off the serenity train, my son gave me my daily dose of his Christmas list: a cyberpower laptop (had no idea such a thing existed) and a mini BMX bike.  He also wants to join back up with Boy Scouts even though he quit and complained constantly when he was in it.

Oh, and he wants Peanut Blossoms - recipe here.  The last request was granted as a silencing mechanism.  Sometimes I feel like I am in a hostage negotiation and instead of killing someone if demands are not met, he kills a little bit of what little sanity I have left.    

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