I think these pictures speak for themselves but a few notes.
The margaritas shown have to be the best I have ever tasted. Perhaps it was just the ultra-relaxed state I was in while drinking but they seemed pretty amazing.
We also had queso cilantro which is pictured and it was a fabulous combination of cheese, cilantro and a marsala like sauce. The combination of flavors seemed odd to me but they definitely worked because it was a creamy and soft explosion of flavor.
We also had flan which I now refuse to eat anywhere else but Mexico. I have tried it in a million places in the states and somehow, the caramel flavor does not come through like it does when I eat it here. How good is it? So good that I devoured it before I could even get my camera out to take a picture.
Finally, El Brujo, the restaurant I always insist on going to upon arrival. It sits on the ocean and the experience of eating incredible food while watching the sun set and listening to the waves crashing in is sublime.
Eventually, I will have to go back to Chicago but I think my Mother will have to shove me on the plane to get me out of here.
xoxo - AJ
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